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Redefining Key Concepts for a Deeper Understanding of Our Cosmos (Quick Read)

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(May 21, 2024)

The 21st century has ushered in an era of unprecedented technological and scientific advancements. Yet, our understanding of the cosmos remains incomplete. To bridge this gap, we must revisit and redefine fundamental concepts such as "space," "energy," and "consciousness." By expanding these definitions, we can open new pathways for exploring the universe and our place within it, ultimately leading to a more holistic understanding of reality.

Redefining "Space"

Traditionally, "space" has been understood as the vast expanse beyond Earth's atmosphere—a seemingly empty void punctuated by stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. This definition, however, is limiting. To truly grasp the nature of space, we must broaden our perspective to include all dimensions of reality, both tangible and intangible.

In this redefined context, "outer space" extends beyond the physical boundaries of our atmosphere. It encompasses the space outside our bodies and our immediate perception. This aligns with the idea that space is not just a distant frontier but an omnipresent reality that envelops and transcends our tangible experiences. This expanded definition allows us to consider the notion that the soul, once separated from the body, could travel through this broader concept of outer space, moving beyond physical limitations.

The Nature of Energy and Consciousness

Energy is traditionally defined as the capacity to do work. However, if we consider consciousness as a form of energy, we can begin to explore the interconnectedness of all existence. Robert Temple, in his book The Sirius Mystery, suggests that "energy itself has a form of consciousness" and that all living beings are attuned to specific frequencies that define their perception of reality.

This idea posits that consciousness, as an energy form, operates on different frequencies or vibrational levels. Humans, as physical beings, are primarily attuned to perceive life forms and phenomena within a certain vibrational spectrum. This tuning shapes our understanding of the universe, but it also imposes limitations. By advancing our understanding and potentially altering our vibrational state, we could perceive realities that are currently beyond our grasp.

The Potential of Higher Vibrational States

The concept that the human soul and consciousness can transcend physical states and achieve higher levels of vibration suggests a fascinating avenue for exploration. If this theory holds true, it implies that there are life forms and dimensions that exist at frequencies beyond our normal perception. The separation of consciousness from the physical body could facilitate interaction with these higher-dimensional realities.

This concept aligns with theories in quantum mechanics and metaphysical philosophy, where the idea of parallel universes and multiple dimensions is gaining traction. By expanding our understanding of energy and consciousness, we may develop methods to alter our vibrational frequency, thus opening new realms of experience and understanding.

Bridging Science and Metaphysics

To fully explore these redefined concepts, interdisciplinary research is essential. Science and metaphysics must collaborate, with each field informing and expanding the other. This integrative approach could lead to breakthroughs in understanding not just the cosmos, but the nature of existence itself.

By embracing a more inclusive and holistic view of space, energy, and consciousness, we can unlock new possibilities for exploration and discovery. These redefinitions encourage us to look beyond the tangible and embrace the vast, interconnected web of existence that lies within and beyond our perception.


The 21st century presents an opportunity to expand our horizons and redefine our understanding of the cosmos. By revisiting and broadening the definitions of "space," "energy," and "consciousness," we can pave the way for a more profound understanding of the universe. This integrative approach promises not only to deepen our scientific knowledge but also to enrich our spiritual and metaphysical understanding, leading humanity toward a more comprehensive grasp of the cosmos and our place within it.

Stay Kind, Question Everything.

~ Stellambulator

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