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New FOIA Release Highlights Redactions in Key AATIP Correspondence: The Black Vault is investigating.

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(May 31, 2024)

In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted in June 2021, The Black Vault has recently acquired the official release of an email exchange involving Luis Elizondo, the purported former leader of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), and Neill Tipton, a defense official who served as the Director of Defense Intelligence, Collection and Special Programs. Portions of these emails were initially revealed by Popular Mechanics in 2020, subsequently included in a Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General (IG) complaint by Elizondo in 2021, and later published by the NY Post in 2022. However, the latest FOIA release omits references to AATIP and redacts a memorandum related to AATIP and the transfer of duties, despite these unclassified emails being publicly accessible for years.

Elizondo has been a controversial figure since he claimed to have overseen AATIP, a program allegedly dedicated to examining unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). The Pentagon has repeatedly denied Elizondo's involvement in AATIP. Nevertheless, the email chain sent by Elizondo to Tipton on the day he submitted his resignation letter to the Pentagon appears to outline roles and responsibilities within AATIP, challenging the Pentagon's denial of Elizondo's involvement.

The public release of Elizondo’s IG complaint by the NY Post revealed that Elizondo’s email included an attached memo intended to help Tipton assume new responsibilities for AATIP, authored by Elizondo himself. Yet, the FOIA-released version of these emails redacts references to AATIP under FOIA exemption (b)(5), along with the entire memo transferring AATIP responsibilities.

Further examination reveals:

  • One version of the email came from Luis Elizondo’s IG Complaint, published by the NY Post.

  • Another version resulted from the official FOIA request response to FOIA Case 21-F-1154.

According to the FOIA release letter, exemption (b)(5) pertains to "inter- and intra- agency memoranda which are deliberative in nature," appropriate for internal documents that are part of the decision-making process and contain subjective evaluations, opinions, and recommendations.

The redacted line in the email is pivotal to the AATIP narrative, as it references AATIP in a way that aligns with Elizondo's claims of his involvement. The Pentagon's decision to redact this line is surprising because it does not appear to be "deliberative in nature" nor does it fit the other criteria for exemption under (b)(5). This selective redaction raises concerns about the transparency regarding AATIP.

The draft memorandum written by Elizondo was entirely redacted under exemptions (b)(5) and (b)(6). It remains unclear whether this memorandum was directly addressed to the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DepSecDef) or written on their behalf. The redaction obscures significant content that could clarify the internal discussions about AATIP and Elizondo's role.

While Elizondo has expressed a desire to disclose information about UAP and AATIP without breaching his NDA, his assertions have been met with skepticism and denials from the Pentagon. This latest FOIA release, with its extensive redactions, might suggest an effort to conceal Elizondo’s contributions and the true nature of AATIP. Despite public access to these documents, the redactions hinder complete transparency. The rationale behind this remains unclear.

The Pentagon continues to maintain limited disclosure on AATIP and UAP investigations, often citing national security and the need to protect sensitive information.

In light of the redactions, The Black Vault has filed an appeal, challenging the grounds for withholding parts of the email and the entire memorandum.


Department of Defense FOIA Response to The Black Vault (May 13, 2024)


Requester: John Greenewald Jr., The Black Vault, Inc.

FOIA Case Number: 21-F-1154

Date of Request: June 17, 2021

Response Date: May 13, 2024

Records Located: Two pages deemed responsive

Key Points:

Portions of the responsive records are redacted or withheld entirely under FOIA exemptions (b)(5) and (b)(6).

Exemption (b)(5): Applies to inter- and intra-agency memoranda that are deliberative and part of the decision-making process, containing subjective evaluations, opinions, and recommendations.

Exemption (b)(6): Protects information that would result in an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Fees for processing the request were waived as they were below the threshold.

Contact information provided for further inquiries, mediation services, and filing an appeal.

Appeal details: Must be postmarked within 90 days of the response, and can be emailed with "FOIA Appeal" in the subject line.

Email Exchange Between Luis Elizondo and Neill Tipton (October 2017)


From Luis Elizondo to Neill Tipton (September 25, 2017)

Subject: Draft DepSECDEF Letter

Elizondo mentions drafting a memo as per guidance from the SECDEF's Front Office. He requests Tipton to review the unclassified memo and provide feedback. He emphasizes the brevity of the draft and indicates willingness to expand it as needed.

Response from Neill Tipton to Luis Elizondo (October 3, 2017)

Tipton acknowledges receiving the draft and promises to review and provide thoughts by the next day or so, mentioning he will be at Ft Meade for half of the day.

From Luis Elizondo to Neill Tipton (October 3, 2017)

A brief message indicating the initial email was sent from Elizondo’s BlackBerry smartphone.

Classification: All emails were marked as "UNCLASSIFIED."

Stay Kind, Question Everything.

~ Stellambulator

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