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Embracing a New Path: From ABQ MUFON to ABQ Experiencers

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(May 15, 2024)

Over the past few years, I've been dedicated to fostering an inclusive community through the Albuquerque chapter of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), with the goal of providing a platform for individuals to share their profound experiences. However, I've come to realize that MUFON's structure, heavily focused on monetization and organizational constraints, does not align with the nurturing and supportive environment I envision for our group.

Departing from MUFON's Model

MUFON, known for its UFO investigation efforts, has unfortunately become more synonymous with financial agendas rather than genuine dialogue and support. The organization's emphasis on monetary transactions and rigid protocols has overshadowed the personal and spiritual experiences that many of our members seek to discuss and explore. It has become apparent that MUFON's framework does not facilitate the kind of holistic engagement that I believe is essential for our community.

The Challenge of Rigorous Skepticism

One of the most significant challenges within MUFON has been the pervasive culture of rigorous skepticism. While healthy skepticism is important in any investigation, the intense focus on tangible evidence and scientific proof often discourages individuals from sharing their personal encounters. Many experiencers hesitate to speak openly about their profound experiences for fear of being dismissed or ridiculed. This skepticism-driven environment has hindered the genuine exchange of ideas and experiences that should be the hallmark of our community.

A New Vision for Albuquerque Experiencers

As a result, I have made the decision to distance myself from MUFON and rebrand our group as Albuquerque Experiencers. This new community will prioritize the wellbeing and support of individuals who have encountered near-death experiences (NDEs), mystical encounters, and other profound phenomena. We aim to create a space where personal experiences are valued and shared without the constraints of bureaucratic processes or financial obligations.

Learning from Native Wisdom

Living in Albuquerque has afforded me the opportunity to learn from native communities who honor the spiritual realm. Through their teachings, I've come to appreciate the importance of belief and personal experience in understanding the mysteries of our universe. This understanding has inspired the formation of Albuquerque Experiencers as a place where belief is respected, experiences are validated, and connections are fostered.

Inviting Like-Minded Individuals

To those who have been part of MUFON or are interested in exploring extraordinary experiences without judgment or skepticism, I extend a warm invitation to join Albuquerque Experiencers. Our group will facilitate open and supportive discussions, focusing on personal growth and understanding rather than rigid analysis or profit-driven motives. Let us come together to share our journeys and expand our perspectives.

Embracing the Spiritual and Beyond

Personally, I believe in a higher power and recognize the existence of various entities and dimensions beyond our immediate understanding. Whether these encounters are extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or manifestations of our collective consciousness, Albuquerque Experiencers will serve as a conduit for exploration and connection.

Looking Ahead

I am deeply grateful for those who have journeyed alongside me thus far. As we transition to Albuquerque Experiencers, I am excited to cultivate a community that celebrates personal experiences and supports individual growth. Together, let's embark on this new chapter of discovery and understanding.

Join Us in Embracing the Unknown

In closing, I invite you to join us in embracing the unknown and exploring the depths of human experience. Albuquerque Experiencers is not just a group—it's a welcoming community dedicated to honoring personal truths and expanding our collective consciousness. Let us cast aside skepticism and fear, and instead, come together with openness and curiosity.

Thank you for your continued support, and I eagerly anticipate the evolution of our community as we embrace this new path of discovery and connection. Together, let's embark on a journey of exploration and understanding beyond the confines of skepticism and profit-driven agendas.

Join us as we create a space where every experience is valued, and every voice is heard. Together, we will illuminate the mysteries of our universe and forge meaningful connections along the way.

Stay Kind, Question Everything.

~ Stellabulator

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