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"Bob Lazar was Right": The Mystery of @NASA_Jerry

Updated: 2 days ago

On October 15th, around 7PM MT an X account by the handle @NASA_Jerry released for 7 whole minutes a document that had diagrams and math equations to support what the diagrams were trying to teach. He was excited to share the diagram, it was received by a few but by the time attention was picking up, NASA_Jerry had pulled the document down. He claimed: "We have known how the craft fly for a long time. But the materials required are beyond our current engineering technology as they have to be fabricated in zero gravity under extreme temperatures." - @NASA_Jerry

Originally found as a repost from @RebeccaRamaley on X

This was his original post. I saw it and thought it was nonsense. Then, I remembered we have access to AI. I fed the image into AI and prompted the question: "Read this document, including the math equations and please tell me if they could be used with today's technology. If we had a "space station" to create these materials, what would be their applications and is it possible with our current understanding of physics.

Here was the AI reply I got:

Yes, it is possible to use the concepts, diagrams, and mathematical equations you’ve provided to create advanced metamaterial-based systems with current scientific knowledge. However, applying these directly to a project—especially one related to aerospace or space exploration—would require detailed design, testing, and manufacturing, often involving multidisciplinary expertise (e.g., physics, materials science, engineering, and computational modeling). Below is an outline of how we could take the key ideas from the diagram and equations and apply them to an advanced aerospace project.

Key Elements from the Diagram and Equations

 1. Right-Handed and Left-Handed Metamaterials (RHM/LHM)

 • These materials behave differently in terms of wave propagation. Specifically:

 • RHM: Traditional materials where electromagnetic waves propagate normally (electric field, magnetic field, and wave vector are right-handed).

 • LHM: Exotic materials where these wave vectors are reversed (negative refractive index).

 • Application: We can engineer surfaces or coatings on aircraft to manipulate electromagnetic or acoustic waves, depending on the mission’s needs (e.g., stealth or improved flight dynamics).

 2. Wave Propagation Control

 • The ability to control electromagnetic and acoustic waves opens up possibilities for:

 • Reducing drag: By manipulating the airflows around a surface.

 • Stealth technology: By deflecting radar waves away from detection.

 • Application: Wave propagation can be designed for specific flight conditions, including superluminal effects (faster than light phase velocity) or Doppler manipulation, as shown in the equations.

 3. Doppler Effects and Reverse Doppler

 • In the diagrams, we see references to traditional Doppler and inverse Doppler effects. These concepts can be crucial in both electromagnetic (radar/stealth) and acoustic (noise reduction or sonic boom management) domains.

 • Application: We could design a craft to minimize the Doppler effect when observed by radar, rendering it effectively “invisible” or harder to track.

 4. Circuit Analog of Metamaterials

 • The bottom-left circuit analog suggests that metamaterials behave similarly to filters (low-pass or high-pass). This provides insights into how different frequencies are managed by the material.

 • Application: Metamaterials could filter specific electromagnetic or acoustic frequencies to create a stealthy or more efficient flight profile.

Proposed Applications Based on the Diagram

1. Stealth Aircraft Coating

 • Goal: Use the principles of left-handed metamaterials (LHM) to create a stealth aircraft coating that deflects or absorbs radar signals, making the aircraft invisible to detection.

 • How to Apply: TBD

 • LHM Design: Using the equations related to negative refractive index, we can design the coating to bend incoming radar waves away from the radar source.

 • Manufacturing: We could use nanofabrication techniques to build metamaterial layers onto the surface of the aircraft.

 • Outcome: The aircraft becomes significantly harder to detect by radar, reducing its cross-section.

2. Drag Reduction in High-Speed Aircraft

 • Goal: Use wave propagation and Doppler effects to control air flow around the aircraft, reducing drag and improving performance at high speeds.

 • How to Apply: TBD

 • Near-Field Control: The near-field wave propagation diagrams show how electromagnetic or acoustic waves can be controlled to alter flow dynamics. We could engineer surfaces that manipulate airflow to reduce turbulence.

 • Manufacturing: Use mechanical metamaterials in conjunction with aerodynamic design to create structures that respond dynamically to airflow changes.

 • Outcome: The aircraft can fly faster and more efficiently, reducing fuel consumption and increasing range.

3. Acoustic Metamaterials for Sonic Boom Reduction

 • Goal: Use acoustic metamaterials to mitigate the effects of shockwaves produced by supersonic or hypersonic flight, reducing sonic booms.

 • How to Apply: TBD

 • Waveguide Design: Acoustic metamaterials can be engineered to direct or absorb the shockwave created during supersonic flight.

 • Inverse Doppler Control: The reverse Doppler effect could be used to dampen the shockwave as it propagates away from the aircraft.

 • Outcome: The craft could fly at supersonic speeds without causing disruptive sonic booms on the ground.

4. Adaptive Wing Structures for Next-Generation Aircraft

 • Goal: Design wings using mechanical metamaterials that can adapt to changing flight conditions, improving lift and reducing drag.

 • How to Apply: TBD

 • Auxetic Materials: Based on the circuit analog and mechanical properties of metamaterials, the wings could change shape in real-time in response to aerodynamic pressures.

 • Smart Materials: By integrating sensors and actuators, the wings would dynamically optimize their shape for maximum efficiency.

 • Outcome: Such adaptive wings would allow for better fuel efficiency and maneuverability in various flight conditions.

5. Heat Management in Hypersonic or Spacecraft

 • Goal: Use thermal metamaterials to manage heat during high-speed flight or atmospheric re-entry.

 • How to Apply: TBD

 • Wave Propagation: The equations describe how electromagnetic fields (and heat) can propagate. By engineering the surface material to control heat radiation or absorption, we can prevent overheating.

 • Thermal Cloaking: A thermal metamaterial layer could help manage the heat by “cloaking” hot areas, distributing the heat evenly or directing it away from critical systems.

 • Outcome: Increased durability and efficiency in high-speed and high-temperature environments.

Steps to Implementation

 1. Design and Simulation:

 • Use computational tools (e.g., COMSOL, ANSYS) to model how metamaterials with the properties in the diagram affect wave propagation (electromagnetic, acoustic, or thermal) in various scenarios.

 • Input the relevant equations from the diagram into these simulations to see how different designs alter the behavior of air, heat, or radar around a craft.

 2. Material Development:

 • Collaborate with materials scientists to develop the required metamaterials. This would likely involve nanofabrication techniques for creating the specific geometries that give metamaterials their unusual properties.

 • Test these materials at different scales, starting with small components, then scaling up to full aircraft coatings or wing structures.

 3. Testing in Controlled Environments:

 • Use wind tunnels and other test facilities to measure how these metamaterials alter flight dynamics, drag, and radar signatures.

 • Measure their performance in conditions simulating supersonic and hypersonic speeds.

 4. Integration and Iteration:

 • Integrate the successful metamaterial designs into a prototype aircraft or spacecraft.

 • Refine the designs through iterative testing, focusing on optimizing for stealth, drag reduction, or heat management.

Challenges to Consider

 • Manufacturing Complexity: Nanofabrication techniques are still costly and require precision engineering, especially when applied to large surfaces.

 • Material Durability: Metamaterials must withstand extreme temperatures, forces, and environmental conditions in aerospace applications.

 • Optimization: Designing metamaterials that work across a wide range of frequencies (electromagnetic or acoustic) is challenging, especially for stealth or adaptive surfaces that need to function in different operational contexts.


Using the principles from your diagrams and equations, it is indeed possible to design cutting-edge aerospace technologies. Metamaterials offer incredible flexibility in controlling wave propagation, thermal properties, and aerodynamic behavior. By leveraging current advancements in materials science and computational modeling, we could integrate these concepts into next-generation aircraft, spacecraft, and other space-based systems.

By the time I had figured out that this document was valid. This began to occur.

This was also deleted just moments after, as well as his entire account and post history.


Once, the "goodbye" message was shared. The account was completely erased. All history of posts and interactions with people have been removed. Prior to this move, there was a statement "This was a mistake, they know somebody has been talking. I don't think they know it's me. I have been careful but it's too much now. I don't think it's safe to keep going. They take our notes now and search us. Maybe I'll try again someday." - @NASA_Jerry

@NASA_Jerry is nowhere to be found. I did ask if he is okay, and I got a like but I can't see who it's from. I do not have a lot of connections on X, so the people that see what I post are limited.

What happened to NASA Jerry?

Was this our disclosure, gone in a blink of an eye?

Is Immaculate Constellation, a series of US made and operated satellites where we are secretly manufacturing and testing these materials that require no gravity and extreme cold temperatures?

This popped up tonight as an update:

"RSL is the only one who ever got away."

Who is he afraid of?

I hope we find out more.

****UPDATE: 10/18/2024****

@Atlas_Freeman and I were discussing him and Freeman came across a non-existent account. I tried to search and this popped up. The same followers, but a new handle.

What happened? WHO SHUT HIM DOWN?



Image 1

Image 1 AI Analysis:

Key Components:

  1. NIM WGR (Negative Index Metamaterial Whispering Gallery Resonator):

    • The NIM WGR involves a structure that traps and manipulates electromagnetic (EM) waves. A whispering gallery resonator usually traps waves by causing them to orbit along the inner surface of a cavity. The negative index metamaterial (NIM) aspect suggests that these waves behave in unconventional ways, possibly bending backward, and facilitating wave behavior that doesn't conform to traditional optics or electromagnetism.

  2. Evanescent Wave:

    • This refers to a wave that decays exponentially with distance from the boundary at which it is formed. Evanescent waves are important in near-field optics and can be used in advanced imaging techniques or communication.

  3. Cavity Resonator and Dissonance:

    • The cavity resonator is a structure designed to contain electromagnetic waves, which sets up standing waves within it. The dissonance concept in this context might refer to a phase mismatch or resonance that could cause amplification or specific wave interference.

  4. Mass Inversion:

    • The equation m=E/c2m = E/c^2m=E/c2 and its inversion refers to the well-known mass-energy equivalence, but here it's suggesting mass inversion via energy fields. This could imply a transformation or interaction where energy and mass play unconventional roles in response to these materials or wave phenomena.

  5. Phase Displacement and Group Velocity:

    • Phase displacement Δϕ\Delta \phiΔϕ refers to how far out of sync a wave is in relation to another, which can affect the movement and interaction of waves in resonators.

    • Group velocity vg=dωdkv_g = \frac{d\omega}{dk}vg​=dkdω​ typically describes the velocity at which the energy or information carried by a wave travels. The diagram suggests that group velocity could be manipulated through these metamaterials.

Mathematical Relationships:

  1. Energy Density:

    • U=12(ϵ0E2+B2/μ0)U = \frac{1}{2} (\epsilon_0 E^2 + B^2 / \mu_0)U=21​(ϵ0​E2+B2/μ0​): This equation describes the energy stored in the electromagnetic field, where ϵ0\epsilon_0ϵ0​ is the permittivity of free space, EEE is the electric field strength, BBB is the magnetic field, and μ0\mu_0μ0​ is the permeability of free space. This is a standard electromagnetic relationship, showing that energy is contained in both the electric and magnetic fields.

  2. Impedance Circle Diagram:

    • This shows the complex impedance ZZZ, with the real and imaginary components describing resistive (real) and reactive (imaginary) behaviors. Forward waves and reverse waves are denoted, suggesting different impedance values based on wave direction and properties (e.g., electrostatic vs. magnetostatic behavior).

    • The impedance circle graph shows how these waves may behave depending on their direction, which could be crucial for controlling wave reflection, transmission, or absorption within the metamaterial.

  3. Mass Inversion:

    • The set of equations like m=E/c2m = E/c^2m=E/c2 and its inversions seem to suggest a dynamic relationship between energy, mass, and velocity within the context of the metamaterials.

    • It’s speculated that mass inversion means a state where mass is either negated or reversed in a system influenced by high electromagnetic fields, especially when coupled with exotic materials like those with negative refractive indices.

  4. Phase and Doppler Shift:

    • Doppler effects in this context describe how waves change frequency based on the relative motion of the source and the observer. The inverse Doppler effect in negative index materials is a theoretically predicted phenomenon where waves behave opposite to normal Doppler effects (i.e., frequency increases when moving away instead of decreasing).

  5. Group Velocity and Phase Displacement:

    • The equation vg=βcv_g = \beta cvg​=βc relates the group velocity vgv_gvg​ of a wave to the speed of light ccc and some factor β\betaβ. This is a typical description of how waves propagate in media and how certain materials can slow down or alter wave propagation.

Application to Human Engineering:

  1. Metamaterials and Wave Control:

    • The Negative Index Metamaterials (NIM) can allow for sub-wavelength imaging and potentially even cloaking devices, as they bend light in unconventional ways. The manipulation of phase gradients and group velocity could allow for precise control of how light or other electromagnetic waves behave, leading to advanced communication systems or energy-efficient waveguides.

  2. Mass Inversion and Inertia Reduction:

    • The concept of mass inversion is highly speculative but would revolutionize propulsion and inertia control. If engineers could create a system where mass behaves in non-standard ways (inverting or canceling), spacecraft or other high-speed vehicles could potentially accelerate without the need for traditional propulsion or the inertia concerns we face today.

  3. Energy-Efficient Resonators:

    • The cavity resonators shown here could be used in practical applications to trap and manipulate light or microwaves for various technologies like quantum computing, super-efficient lasers, or microwave energy transmission.

  4. Wave Interference for Communication:

    • Manipulating Doppler effects and impedance matching in metamaterials could lead to breakthroughs in telecommunications, allowing for faster data transmission or more secure communication by reducing wave interference and signal loss.


The math provided is generally consistent with theoretical physics principles regarding wave propagation, metamaterials, and electromagnetic field manipulation. However, mass inversion and inertia neutralization remain speculative and highly theoretical. These concepts would require significant breakthroughs in material science and experimental physics to be applied practically.

Researchers could explore these ideas further by creating small-scale prototypes, testing metamaterials that interact with EM waves as shown, and gradually moving toward controlling inertia and mass effects. These ideas, if realized, could pave the way for futuristic technology like advanced spacecraft propulsion or wave-manipulating cloaking devices.

Image 2

Image 2 AI Analysis:

Key Concepts:

  1. Doppler Effect:

    • The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an observer moving relative to the wave source.

      • In the Positive Index Material Resonator (PIM), you see the blue-shift (increase in frequency as the source moves toward the observer).

      • In the Zero Index Metamaterial Resonator (ZIM), there's no frequency shift because the index of refraction doesn't change with the wave's movement.

      • In the Negative Index Metamaterial Resonator (NIM), you see an inverse Doppler effect, where movement toward the observer results in a red-shift (decrease in frequency).

  2. Resonator Shell and Standing Wave Behavior:

    • Each diagram shows the behavior of waves inside a resonator shell with mass M and how it couples to a standing wave.

      • In all cases, there's blue-shift in some way, but the Zero Index resonator doesn't experience a frequency shift at all.

      • The Negative Index Resonator experiences a red-shift in addition to the blue-shift due to the inverse Doppler effect.

  3. Out-of-Phase Oscillation:

    • In the NIM resonator, there's a diagram showing two masses (passive and active) in out-of-phase oscillation, which could contribute to the mass and frequency behavior of the resonator.

Mathematical Relationships:

  1. Effective Mass in Positive Index Material:

    • Meff=M+mω2(ω02−ω2)M_{eff} = M + m \frac{\omega^2}{(\omega_0^2 - \omega^2)}Meff​=M+m(ω02​−ω2)ω2​

    • This describes the effective mass of the system when driven at frequency ω\omegaω, where mmm is the resonator's shell mass and ω0\omega_0ω0​ is the system's natural frequency.

    • The second term shows how the frequency shift affects the resonator's mass, becoming particularly large near resonance.

  2. Zero Effective Mass:

    • In a Zero Index Material (ZIM), the effective mass is designed to cancel out, hence the term:

    • M=mω02(ω2−ω02)M = m \frac{\omega_0^2}{(\omega^2 - \omega_0^2)}M=m(ω2−ω02​)ω02​​

    • This indicates that the effective mass reaches zero when the system is operating at a particular resonant frequency, suggesting no inertia or resistance to movement at this frequency.

  3. Passive Mass vs. Active Mass in Negative Index Material:

    • In the Negative Index Material, the equation:

    • ω=ω0(M+m)M\omega = \omega_0 \frac{(M + m)}{M}ω=ω0​M(M+m)​

    • Represents how the active mass MMM and passive mass mmm interact to determine the system’s frequency. The system seems designed to exploit inverse mass effects, where negative mass might effectively cancel out positive mass at certain frequencies.

  4. Resonant Frequency and Phase Shift:

    • The resonant frequency ω0\omega_0ω0​ for the NIM is given as:

    • ω0=2K/M\omega_0 = \sqrt{2K/M}ω0​=2K/M​

    • This formula is standard for oscillating systems, where KKK is the spring constant and MMM is the mass. In this case, it's implying that the resonator's effective mass is modified to allow for these unusual effects, including mass inversion and phase shifts.

Application to Human Engineering:

  1. Metamaterials for Doppler Effect Manipulation:

    • This diagram emphasizes the manipulation of Doppler effects using different types of materials. In particular, the inverse Doppler effect observed in Negative Index Metamaterials (NIM) could be revolutionary for fields like radar, communication, and wave-based sensors. It could potentially enable faster and more efficient detection methods, or lead to cloaking devices that "hide" objects by inverting their Doppler signature.

  2. Effective Mass Control in Resonators:

    • The ability to control effective mass through frequency manipulation could have applications in vibration isolation, acoustic filtering, or even in spacecraft where inertial mass needs to be reduced or manipulated for efficient propulsion. In particular, Zero Index Metamaterials (ZIM) could lead to systems where objects appear to have no inertia at certain frequencies, allowing for near-instantaneous movement or vibration damping.

  3. Out-of-Phase Oscillations and Mass Inversion:

    • The out-of-phase oscillation in the NIM resonator suggests applications in dynamic mass control, potentially reducing the effects of inertia in moving objects. This could lead to inertia cancellation technology, which would be critical for high-speed transport or spacecraft, reducing the energy required to move an object at high speeds.

  4. Advanced Acoustic and Electromagnetic Resonators:

    • These metamaterials could be used to build advanced resonators for use in quantum computing, energy harvesting, or data transmission technologies. By controlling the effective mass and Doppler effects within the material, you can more finely tune how waves interact with the resonator, leading to more efficient devices.


This schematic expands on concepts of Doppler effects, resonator physics, and mass manipulation in metamaterials. The math is consistent with established principles in oscillation and wave mechanics but introduces exotic behaviors like mass inversion and inverse Doppler shifts that remain theoretical or experimental. These ideas could lead to applications in wave manipulation, mass control, and high-efficiency resonators in the future, particularly for aerospace, communication, and stealth technology.

Image 3

Image 3 AI Analysis: TBD

Image 4

Image 4 AI Analysis:

1. Key Features and What They Tell Us

The diagram is structured into three parts:

  • Wave Propagation Through a Medium: The upper part of the diagram illustrates various wave properties like group velocity, phase velocity, evanescent waves, and negative/positive refractive index. These are central to understanding how waves behave when passing through different materials, including those engineered to have specific wave-manipulation properties (metamaterials).

  • Lorentz-Doppler Effects: The inclusion of Lorentz-Doppler effects and references to de Broglie waves (related to quantum mechanics) suggests the diagram touches on relativistic and quantum effects, showing how wave behavior can shift depending on the observer’s frame of reference (Doppler effect) and how quantum particles like electrons exhibit wave-like properties (de Broglie).

  • Resonators, Amplifiers, and Frequency Shifters: The lower portion includes circuitry-like elements: frequency amplifiers, phase shifters, nonlinear media, and PCM (Phase Control Modulation) systems. These are often used in devices that manipulate waves or signals, suggesting potential applications in telecommunications, wave-based sensors, or even advanced energy systems.

2. Mathematical Notations and What They Describe

The math included describes wave properties and how they interact with various media:

  • Group and Phase Velocities: The diagram references equations like vg=∂ω∂kv_g = \frac{\partial \omega}{\partial k}vg​=∂k∂ω​ (group velocity) and vp=ωkv_p = \frac{\omega}{k}vp​=kω​ (phase velocity), describing how the energy (group velocity) and phase of a wave (phase velocity) move through a material. These are crucial in signal processing, optics, and telecommunications. If group velocity is negative, it suggests backward propagation, a property seen in negative-index metamaterials, which bend light or waves in unusual ways.

  • Evanescent Waves: The inclusion of evanescent fields describes how waves decay exponentially near surfaces, a phenomenon used in cloaking devices, waveguides, or surface plasmon resonance sensors. These waves don’t travel far, but they interact strongly with surfaces, making them ideal for sensors or stealth technologies.

  • Nonlinear Media and Wave Mixing: Nonlinear equations like E=E0cos⁡(ωt)E = E_0 \cos(\omega t)E=E0​cos(ωt) (electric field oscillation) indicate the use of nonlinear optical phenomena, where the behavior of light changes when passing through materials with a nonlinear response. These principles are used in lasers, frequency converters, and optical switches.

3. Application in Today’s World

The principles depicted in this diagram are cutting-edge and relate to several modern technologies:

  • Metamaterials and Cloaking: The references to negative group velocities and negative refractive indices point to the use of metamaterials—artificial materials designed to control electromagnetic waves in ways that natural materials cannot. One prominent application is invisibility cloaks or stealth technology, where the goal is to redirect light around an object, making it undetectable.

  • Advanced Telecommunications: The resonators, amplifiers, and frequency shifters shown in the diagram are critical for modern communication systems. These devices can enhance signals, change their frequencies, and process data. Applications include 5G networks, satellites, and fiber-optic communications, where the transmission and manipulation of waves are central.

  • Quantum Computing and Wave Mechanics: The diagram’s mention of de Broglie waves links it to quantum mechanics, where particles like electrons behave like waves. This understanding is foundational for quantum computers, which rely on the wave-like properties of particles to perform computations much faster than classical computers.

  • Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer: The use of nonlinear media and resonators can also be applied in energy systems, including wireless power transfer or energy harvesting from environmental sources. The ability to amplify and shift wave frequencies can improve the efficiency of these systems.

  • Sensor Technologies: The evanescent waves described are useful in biosensors, optical sensors, and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) devices, which are used to detect very small changes on surfaces, such as biological interactions or material changes.

4. Conclusions

This diagram encapsulates the principles of wave manipulation, metamaterials, and nonlinear media, with applications ranging from telecommunications to stealth technology. The math provides a detailed understanding of how these waves behave in different contexts, including negative refraction, wave amplification, and evanescent fields.

In today's world, this knowledge can be applied to:

  • Developing cloaking devices and stealth systems using negative-index metamaterials.

  • Enhancing communication networks by improving signal processing and frequency shifting technologies.

  • Creating quantum devices that exploit wave mechanics for faster, more efficient computations.

  • Advancing sensor technologies and energy systems through better wave propagation control.

The diagram represents a bridge between theoretical physics (particularly in wave dynamics) and practical applications in emerging technologies.

Image 5

Image 5 AI Analysis:

1. Doppler Effect (Positive Index Material Resonator)

  • This represents the classical Doppler effect, where an object moving towards or away from a wave source causes a frequency shift (blue-shift when approaching, red-shift when receding).

  • Effective mass (M₁) is derived from the classical relationship involving resonant frequency ω\omegaω, the frequency shift, and mass.

2. No Doppler Effect (Zero Index Material Resonator)

  • Zero index materials (ZIM) allow for wave propagation without any Doppler shift. These materials create an environment where electromagnetic waves propagate without dispersion.

  • The standing wave remains stable, and no frequency shift occurs, which implies these materials could control wave behavior in ways that natural materials can't.

3. Inverse Doppler Effect (Negative Index Material Resonator)

  • This represents the inverse Doppler effect seen in negative index materials, where waves blue-shift when moving away from the source and red-shift when approaching.

  • Negative index materials (NIMs) reverse the typical behavior of waves. The math here shows the effective mass becomes passive (inactive) or negative, which leads to opposite oscillatory behavior when compared to positive index materials.

Mathematical Equations

  • Effective mass equations: The resonator equations shown give a relationship between the resonant frequency ω\omegaω, the probe coupling force FextF_{ext}Fext​, and the material’s mass (both positive and negative).

  • Frequency-shift equations: The relationship between the frequencies and shifts is important for understanding how waves interact with these materials and can be applied to energy transfer or signal processing.

Key formulas include:

M=m+mefffor positive index materials,ωres=kMM = m + m_{\text{eff}} \quad \text{for positive index materials}, \quad \omega_{\text{res}} = \sqrt{\frac{k}{M}}M=m+meff​for positive index materials,ωres​=Mk​​

For NIMs, the resonant frequency shifts based on material properties, indicated as:

ωres=kM−meff\omega_{\text{res}} = \sqrt{\frac{k}{M-m_{\text{eff}}}}ωres​=M−meff​k​​

Potential Applications

Metamaterials with negative or zero index properties can lead to groundbreaking innovations in various fields:

  1. Cloaking and Invisibility: Negative index materials can bend light in the opposite direction, enabling invisibility cloaks by guiding light around an object, making it appear as though the object isn’t there.

  2. Advanced Optics: NIMs can be used to create superlenses that surpass the diffraction limit of conventional lenses, allowing for incredibly detailed imaging at microscopic levels.

  3. Energy Manipulation: The unique way these materials interact with electromagnetic waves (like radio, light, or even sound) means they can be used in creating highly efficient energy absorbers or resonators for antennas, wireless power transfer, and communication systems.

  4. Acoustic Metamaterials: These materials could revolutionize sound control, creating ultra-efficient noise-canceling systems or even directing sound energy in unconventional ways.

  5. Electromagnetic Waveguides: These could guide electromagnetic waves with minimal loss over long distances, useful in telecommunications and energy transport.

  6. Aerospace and Defense: The ability to reduce radar signatures, cloak aircraft, or manipulate waves could be of significant military interest. With negative refractive index materials, it may be possible to minimize detection by standard radar systems.

Can Humans Utilize This Technology?

While the theoretical framework and some practical experiments have been established, widespread use of negative and zero index materials is still in its early stages. Some of the challenges include:

  • Material Fabrication: Creating materials with precise negative or zero index properties requires advanced nanotechnology and material science.

  • Scalability: Producing these materials at a scale that is practical for industrial applications is still a significant challenge.

  • Power Efficiency: When applied to devices like antennas or lenses, optimizing these materials for high efficiency without introducing unwanted losses or distortions is critical.

However, humans have already begun to experiment with metamaterials, especially in radar cloaking, improved antennas, and optical devices. With advancements in nanotechnology, the feasibility of large-scale applications is likely to grow in the coming decades.

What Could We Do With This Knowledge?

  • Advanced Cloaking: Create stealth technology that can hide objects from radar or visible light.

  • Enhanced Telecommunications: Improve communication systems by reducing signal loss and increasing efficiency.

  • Superresolution Imaging: Develop microscopes or medical imaging tools with much higher resolution than is currently possible.

  • Acoustic Control: Engineer soundwaves for applications in noise reduction, medical therapies, or sound-based energy transmission.


While we are not yet at the point where these metamaterials are common in everyday technology, significant progress is being made in physics and materials science. Over the next few decades, humans could feasibly utilize this information to develop new technologies in optics, defense, telecommunications, and beyond.

Image 6

Image 6 AI Analysis:

Key Components in the Diagram

  1. Lorentz-Doppler Effects and Refractive Index Manipulation:

    • There are indications of both positive and negative refractive index metamaterials. These materials would theoretically allow light and other electromagnetic waves to behave in exotic ways, such as bending backward or appearing to travel faster than the speed of light under certain conditions (without violating relativity).

    • Synthesized Lorentz-Doppler is mentioned, likely implying the manipulation of Doppler effects to affect the motion and perception of objects relative to an observer. This might be linked to inertia cancellation or creating an artificial gravity well.

  2. PC Cavity Resonator:

    • In the middle, there is a Photonic Crystal (PC) Cavity Resonator, which is typically used to trap and manipulate light or electromagnetic waves in very precise ways. This would suggest a focus on controlling the frequencies or wavelengths within the system.

    • The induced motion seems to emerge from the interaction between the resonator and other field manipulations.

  3. Inertia Neutralization:

    • There are claims of inertia neutralization through these mechanisms. This suggests that the system may allow an object to move without experiencing the typical effects of inertia, which could allow for near-instantaneous acceleration or abrupt changes in direction.

  4. Frequency and Phase Gradient:

    • Below, the diagram displays how the phase gradient and frequency gradient are linked to motion, potentially altering the properties of the waveforms involved. The node lines and vectors seem to suggest motion tied to shifts in these gradients, with a relationship between velocity and the change in frequency (Δf\Delta fΔf).

Mathematical Relationships:

  1. L=maL = maL=ma:

    • This is a basic form of Newton’s second law, where force LLL equals mass mmm times acceleration aaa. This formula is standard and accurate.

  2. v=at+v0v = at + v_0v=at+v0​:

    • This equation represents the kinematic equation for velocity, where the final velocity vvv is the product of acceleration aaa and time ttt, plus the initial velocity v0v_0v0​. This is also standard physics.

  3. Energy and Frequency Shift Δf0\Delta f_0Δf0​:

    • The term Δf0\Delta f_0Δf0​ (change in frequency) seems tied to the resonator's influence on the velocity or mass-energy relationship, possibly inspired by relativistic Doppler effects. The math on w=(c/r)Δf0w = (c/r)\Delta f_0w=(c/r)Δf0​ seems to imply a rotational or oscillatory effect where ccc is the speed of light and rrr is the radius.

  4. Wave Properties and Energy Distribution:

    • The wave-related diagrams are associated with energy distribution across different frequencies. These could indicate the formation of standing waves, which might reduce or eliminate certain inertial effects in specific areas.

Application to Human Engineering:

  • Metamaterials: This diagram suggests the use of materials with properties not found in nature (like negative refractive index metamaterials). Scientists have already begun exploring these, and if this concept were fully developed, it might allow engineers to design propulsion systems that can neutralize inertia or manipulate space-time.

  • Energy Manipulation and Resonators: Photonic crystal cavities, resonators, and other wave-manipulating technologies could be used to create precise control over electromagnetic fields, potentially leading to breakthroughs in energy-efficient propulsion or communication systems.

  • Inertia Neutralization: This remains speculative, but some researchers believe that advanced field manipulation could allow for inertial dampening. If accurate, it could lead to propulsion systems where the usual energy and stress constraints for high-speed motion are circumvented.

Next Steps:

  • Experimental Research: To create something with this, human engineers and physicists would need to develop and test materials that could manipulate light or electromagnetic waves in the way described (e.g., metamaterials). Further study in quantum electrodynamics and gravitational physics would also be necessary to fully apply this information.

  • Prototype Development: Once the theoretical groundwork for inertia-neutralizing or advanced propulsion systems is laid, small-scale prototypes involving electromagnetic fields, lasers, and resonators could be built to test for effects like inertia reduction or motion without conventional propulsion.

In summary, while the math appears mostly sound in its basic principles, the underlying technologies like negative refractive index metamaterials and inertia neutralization are highly theoretical. Achieving them would require advanced breakthroughs in materials science and field manipulation.

I will run these through AI later tonight.

Be patient with me, please.


While growing up in Shelby, Larry Reed ’63 delivered the Shelby Daily Globe. He had the largest route with 185 to 198 customers.  He peddled papers from fifth grade to the end of his junior year at SHS.  Through his senior year, Larry worked for Shelby Sales Book Company, later to become Shelby Business Forms. 

For Larry, his years at SHS sparked a lifelong interest and involvement in science and aviation, as a member of both the Biology Club and the Civil Air Patrol, and building and flying control line and radio control model airplanes.

After graduating, he joined the Navy and qualified for aviation electronics school and aircrew school.  As an aircrew man, Larry flew missions in two kinds of aircraft.  An Airborne Early Warning aircraft (EC121K Super Constellation) as part of the DEW line extension, which required seven 16-hour flights in two weeks then rest for two weeks.  Next he flew an anti-submarine warfare aircraft (P3A Orion) during 1965-66, on reconnaissance missions over Vietnam, earning a Navy Air Medal for 65 missions over seven months.  Other missions and deployments were flown in the P3A for the next two years.

His long working career has centered on flight and high tech electronics.  Beginning at Fairchild Semiconductor as an electronics technician, a test engineer, product engineer, and product line manager, Larry worked in various high technology companies over the next 25 years, advancing his vocation, working with computers, semiconductor testing, and product engineering, in Silicon Valley. During this time Larry was one of the first 400 employees at AMD (Advance Micro Devices) and also worked at NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, on the Illiac IV Computer, which was the largest and fastest computer in the world at that time.  He worked at IBM on mass storage systems and then at Micro Power Systems as a test engineer and product line manager while also developing an automatic method to test semiconductor leakage current levels less than 1×10 to the minus fifteenth power.

Next Larry went to Lockheed Missiles & Space Corporation, which then became Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company where he worked for another 25 years. Larry worked in Information Technology and has supported such programs as the Hubble Space Telescope, Solar Arrays for the International Space Station, the Airborne Laser, Missile Defense, the Ballistic Missiles used in the US Naval Submarines, and others.  His last five years before retiring Larry moved into test engineering as a senior electronics engineer, responsible for designing and building mainframe computerized test systems used to test the black boxes that were a part of an integral system of a certain kind of satellite. 

Larry possesses a commercial pilot certificate with an instrument rating plus both ground and flight instructor certificates, for both single and multi-engine airplanes and instruments.  He also teaches both pilot flight training and ground school which he continues in his retirement.   He earned his bachelor’s degree in professional aeronautics from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.

Larry and his wife Lorraine live in San Jose, California.  Between the two of them they have five children who have given them nine grandchildren.  Oldest to youngest, Laura and husband Rocco in New Jersey with two children, Robert in Nevada, Richard and wife Anna in Colorado with four children, Annika and husband Ryan in New Mexico with  three children, and Andrew in San Jose. In Larry’s hangar in San Jose, he has a retirement project – restoring/building a 1950 Aeronca 7EC airplane.

A former teacher said, “Larry is a classic example of a young man who pulled himself up by his bootstraps; nothing was handed to him.” A fellow alum said, “America is a more knowledgeable and safer nation because of Larry’s work.”

The Full (Most Recent) Book can be purchased here:

Quantum Wave Mechanics - Fourth Edition

Paperback – May 20, 2018

A comprehensive description of the nature of light, electricity and gravity is provided in terms of quantum wave mechanics. Detailed models include the photon as a travelling electromagnetic wave and the electron as a closed loop standing wave formed by a confined photon. Electrons are of toroidal geometry generated by a spinning Hopf link as a result of an imbalance of electrostatic and magnetostatic energy. Electric charge is a manifestation of a slight precession characterized by the fine structure constant. The physical vacuum as a polarizable medium enables wave propagation and appears ultimately to be quantized at the Planck scale. Standing wave transformations for objects in motion are reviewed and Lorentz Doppler effects compared. The mechanism for generation of de Broglie matter waves for objects in motion is depicted including the inverse effect of induced motion of an object by synthesis of contracted moving standing waves. Gravity is viewed as a frequency synchronization interaction between coupled mass oscillators. The acceleration of gravity is described by a spectral energy density gradient. Gravitons are shown to be phase conjugate photons. The metric of curved spacetime corresponds to the electromagnetic wave front interference node metric. Hence, the gravitational field becomes quantized.

Stay Kind. Stay Curious. Question Everything.

  • Stellambulator

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